Pricing Of Social Network
Aditional Services
5 Post
- Stock images $10
- Corporate mailings $10 per month
- Logo Design $35
- Ad Guidelines Management (12% of the amount spent on facebook ads)
10 Post
- Stock images $15
- Corporate mailings $10 per month
- Logo Design $30
- Ad Guidelines Management
(11% of the amount spent on facebook ads)
15 Post
- Stock images $18.75
- Corporate mailings $10 per month
- Logo Design $25
- Ad Guidelines Management
(10% of the amount spent on facebook ads)
20 Post
- Stock images $20
- Corporate mailings $10 per month
- Logo Design $20
- Ad Guidelines Management
(9% of the amount spent on facebook ads)
Send us your information
Publico Meta
- U.S. Businessmen and entrepreneurs (English and Spanish).
- Men and women from 24 to 65 years old.
- Middle to upper middle class.
Psychographic Data
- use of business networks.
- Entrepreneurs (+ 5K).
- High use of digital sales media (marketplace).
- People who have consulted high level crowdsourcing sites.
- Low use of traditional networks for family interaction.
Other factors
- People who visit traditional print marketing sites.
- Entrepreneurs who have visited printshops recently.
- Entrepreneurs who follow printshops in business networks.
(it should already be a plus for marketing agencies to create content)
so the text box should be replaced by a description of the products and services
of products and services and leave a section for the client to leave additional
leave additional notes.